Basic Yoga Foundation Workshop February 23, 2020.
Our workshops are not just about how to do yoga postures correctly. They are about educating ourselves about basic but fundamental principles of what is important for musculoskeletal and physiological balance in the body. Our workshop today was also provided with the tools that we can easily apply in our self practice to work towards that balance and have an intelligent, informed and sustainable yoga practice that works for your body.
Yoga asana must enhance the body’s inherent movement, function and form. The asana needs to serve the body and not the other way around. Honouring the bodies natural anatomical laws, the workshop focus has equal emphasis on both form and essence.
Asana Topic: Samasthiti, Chaturanga Dandasana, Urdhva mukha svanasana, Adho mukha svanasana, Uthita Trikonasana and ended it with Aum Meditation.
We also had some fun games and get to know each other.
I am so grateful to these beautiful yogis for being enthusiastic to learn with me. Namaste!
Basic Yoga Foundation Workshop